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Studio Nadalini
Studio Nadalini

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is formed of a threaded titanium cylinder, which acts as a substitute for the dental root of a natural lost tooth.
The implant is inserted in the upper or lower jaw and over time is osseointegrated by the bone. The implant serves as an anchor for a dental prosthesis.


What are the success rates of dental implants?

According to clinical findings collected over more than thirty years and relating to more than five million patients treated in several European countries, crowns and bridges cemented or screwed onto implants have a high success rate. The statistics give a success rate of around 95% for the individual implants. The rate is even higher for bridges supported by several implants. There are dental implants that have performed perfectly for decades.


Before carrying out a dental implant, several specific examinations are required in order to understand the quality and quantity of existing bone and then plan the correct implant treatment

Where there is no bone, it can be reconstructed using biocompatible materials. This process means that the osseointegration time of the implant will be significantly longer (up to a maximum of 9 months).


There are different types of implant processes:


  • Immediate load-bearing implants (a temporary or definitive implant is applied in the same surgery session) 

  • Post-extraction implant (the implant is inserted at the same time as the extraction)


All the implants are biocompatible with the body and therefore cannot cause any kind of rejection.

Any loss of the implant is therefore due to a failure (whatever the cause may be) and not to a metabolic reaction caused by the material. 


The negative result may be due to incorrect implant planning, an underestimation of the osseointegration time (healing), excessive load, lack of correct hygiene at home, lack of check-up visits, etc.


Implantology has many practical advantages:


  • The teeth next to the missing tooth are not used, thus saving biological substance.

  • The upper or lower mobile prosthesis (denture) is secured by a structure fixed on the implants. This reduces the size of the structure (no palate) and avoids the use of adhesive pastes. 


We are happy to offer free consultations for further information about the multiple uses of implants, tailoring our advice to each individual patient. 

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